Use the search bar above and type a keyword like "Fifa", ...
to find matchings results
Each game results will provide the following information:
Image, title, genres, platforms, release date, rating. If any
of those info is missing, it will represented as N/A
The results container has a limited height and has a property
Images and titles
While hovering the mouse on them, there is a special effect
demonstrating the use of transform, transition, animations,
When clicked, they will open a page redirecting to the API
provider website with the full details of the selected game.
Ratings are represented in four colors
higher than 70: Green color
Between 50 to 70: Orange color
Less than 50: Red color
Unknown (N/A): Blue color
Genres, Platforms, and
release date
They are basic texts that provide additional information about
the game
There are 4 options available
Defaut: Sort the results by default.
Date: Sort the results by year (Descending)
Rating: Sort the results by rating (from High to low)